Sunday, July 31, 2011

the weight of it all

These days, my gmail inbox always gets filled with newsletters from blogshops - all kind of blogshops. I have no idea how these shops get your email addresses but it's intriguing to watch how commonplace setting up a blogshop is becoming. I think buying from a blogshop is one of those phases every young girl will go through - fashionable peers setting up pretty things at such cheap prices. I'm quite happy, that I think I've finally reached that stage in life, where I don't feel the need to buy clothes anymore. In order to understand the weight of something that seems so trivial, one must understand that we all have our vices. And for me, my vice were clothes. Like all vices, despite knowing that it really doesn't do us any good, we can't see why we should stop when it makes us feel happy (even for a while) and it doesn't do us any harm . So, yes, buying clothes within your budget isn't harmful, it's just wasteful. It's not that I'm no longer going to buy clothes (i can hear disbelieving laughter already) but I'm simply going to just enjoy my wardrobe and leave it as it is. I'm going to re-wear things so often that people will stop telling me that they have never seen me in the same outfit twice (which really is more due to their poor memory than any inference as to the size of my wardrobe).

And so, it's not like I can now happily announce I've conquered all my vices - because as you'll often find, the demise of one vice is the acceleration of another. Happily, I'm returning to books (surprisingly finished 5 in the last 2 months). And cakes, yummy, scrumptious cakes.

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