Friday, November 4, 2011

Thank you, young self

I'm re-reading my old blogs now and I just want to reach out to my young self, hug her and say "thank you". I feel real again - even a little beautiful.

But today was an incredibly good day, the kind of day that just builds up as the day goes by as if God was sending me morse code, tap tap tap , on your shoulder, you can do it , tap tap tap , I was almost waiting for a dove with an olive branch to fly towards me. I can almost hear him whisper, Why carry all these hurt around?

- Me, 22 years old, 21 Oct 2009


  1. I just saw your message on facebook which made me smile insanely and i just want to say that i'm so glad we were geogers together.

    -hugs your 22 year old self too-

  2. And we'll always be geogers together in a special part of us <3
