Sunday, February 27, 2011

Our House

Aye aye captain!

Daddy has tendered in his resignation and is all aglow with the anticipation of RETIREMENT. He sees the future, in the best way anyone can see the future, we'll enjoy this moment and see where life takes us. Finally, letting the sailor in him, take over for the ride across the enormous sea that is our futures.

So, all of us were at Long House (I'm feeling the ocean motifs), for brunch, and Mum asked me, you would like to be married off in the house, right? And I said, yes! I would like to stand outside the balcony and watch everyone bully Him (i'm all for chinese marriage rituals). So Daddy said, "Yeah, after that we'll move near your place".

Then, Pearl asked, "what if i also want to marry out of our house?"

And Dad replied, "Impossible! Then, I'll never retire!"

Who knows where life will take us three years from now? However, there's something about the house we've lived in since primary one, that means more to us than a strategically located balcony. It's part of us, not just a place for our memories, but our memories itself - the place where someone first nursed a broken heart, the place where we dreamt and sang and filled up our wardrobes with all our passing fashions... when we are married off from this house, whenever in the future, he takes not only us, but he is forging his path through the rooms of our childhood to find us, to take our hands, and promise us, in our hearts of hearts, a new home.

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