Sunday, April 10, 2011

Let's go back

Let's go back. Let's get lost again. Let's buy the bus coupons from the mini stands in the middle of the train station. Let's grab our bags and run and catch our bus. Before we have to wait fifteen minutes again. Let's pretend we can actually pronounce "vondellan" and watch as the bicycles roll by. Let's grab a stroopwaffle and go on a long train journey. Let's never grow old. Let's grow old together. Let me wash some grapes, while you do whatever you do. Seedless. Let's run down to the river and count baby ducklings. Remember to bring the loaf of bread. Let's sit on the train, and wait for the announcer to say the journey is delayed yet again because of objects on the train tracks (identity of objects never to be revealed). Let's go back. Let's go back before it's too late. Before, everything changes. Even as I write this, I know some things are too late. Oh, but let's still go back. Let's do all the things we said we should do but never did. Let's make a fool of ourselves. In the only ways we know how. Let's go back. Let's go back and fall in love.

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